Architect Arithmetic: Bjarke Ingels

It has become a misconceived perception that architects need to be good at math.1 However, Architects, typically, only need to know basic arithmetic. The following is a continuing series of Architect Arithmetic. This week’s Architect Arithmetic is in honor of Bjarke Ingels: Skate Parkitect. The majority of Bjarke’s buildings either resemble a hill or a … continue reading →

2015 World’s Worst Architect Bracket

2015 Prickster Prize Laureate: Daniel Libeskind *The Championship Round Has Concluded!* Championship Roundup: The opposing geometries of pointy vs. curvy faced off. With Daniel Libeskind‘s pointy crystal shards piercing Frank Gehry‘s curvaceous metal panels [Final Score: 84-55] *The Championship Round Has Concluded!*   An esteemed panel of architectural experts analyzed the world’s worst architects, and … continue reading →

The World’s Wost Architect – 2015 Prickster Prize –

I am not intentionally trying to clickbait you into reading this article. However, for all the awards (RIBA, Pritzker, etc.) given to the “best” architect, I thought it would be refreshing to point out an architect that is unfathomably popular but has tricked the masses by producing inferior architectural projects.  Architects speaking poorly of other … continue reading →

Hollywood Architect: Neil Caffrey

Hollywood often portrays architects in movies and TV shows with an air of prestige and lofty aspirations. There are so many shows about cops, doctors, or lawyers; I implicitly infer that these jobs are represented accurately, if not slightly glamorized. But whenever someone claims to be an architect, I immediately have pause.  There have been … continue reading →

Are Architects Selling Out to Survive?

I recently responded to a comment by Anne where she complained, “…between 12 consultants, the architect sort of figured out the basic shape of the building, and then selected the paint color and showed the interior walls. The roofing consultant, curtainwall consultant, landscape consultant, acoustician, engineers….did the actual building. I’m not entirely sure what the … continue reading →

I Should Have Been A Lawyer

I contemplated writing a blog post of who would win a fight between an architect and a lawyer, but it would be an extremely short post. Lawyer.  Even if the lawyer didn’t break the architect’s spectacles,1 the architect would be so worried about getting them scratched that he would concede. Also, if I were to … continue reading →

Big, Bold, Cyan FAIL

After passing my first 6 ARE tests, I hesitantly opened the results of my final test only to be greeted by the word FAIL in the largest, boldest, san serif font possible. I think they should initiate a font size change dependent upon the test results. Size 362pt bold font for PASS and a small … continue reading →

The Title of (Baby) Architect

  The title of Architect is heavily debated within architectural circles, yet a meaningless title to outsiders.1 Unbeknownst to the public, architects have giant stipulations, and deliberations, with this word. In order to maintain a lofty air of superiority there are stringent rules applied to this title. I have a Master’s of Architecture degree, have … continue reading →

Unclear Instructions Lead to Hypothermia

  I was the best Graduate Teaching Assistant ever. Period.1 However, the importance of communication cannot be understated. Paul Segal, FAIA, has a quip in his Professional Practice book regarding the importance of communicating successfully with clients. “… a client seemed very pleased with the design and at the signing of the construction contract said … continue reading →