Historical Schmorical Star Snatchers versus the Urban Dark Skies Ordinance

urban dark skies

The flock of migratory birds circled, dazed, drunken within the haze of the urban lights. One-by-one they each plummeted to their demise, as they became an unknowing Icarus flying into the sun; however, this sun is an urban city filled with light pollution. Bright city lights in urban environments disrupt the breeding and feeding habits … continue reading →

Presidential Shrines

  ** editors note: this blog post was written under duress and perhaps became too political. ** ** note to editor: stop writing political opinion pieces, and don’t write when you are angry! ** Pharaoh Khufu built the first pyramid at Giza, circa 2550 B.C., and still today, powerful men|1| impart their power and influence … continue reading →

How to Name a Subdivision

Subdivisions are the epitome of urban sprawl. The first subdivision (which has come to represent the ills of suburbia) was Levittown. 17,000 identical homes compactly erected upon Long Island potato farms. A Levittown house was more affordable than a city apartment, and thus set the post World War II trend – to invade open spaces … continue reading →

Indecisive Yellow & The Insufferable Installation of the Ugliest Colour

Architects spend the majority of their time analyzing form, space, and details; however, color permeates society, yet is often overlooked.|1| Odd color palettes can become fashionable during different eras or for various functions, yet natural colored materials can never be outdated – unless the material itself becomes unfashionable. This post is a follow-up to City … continue reading →