Before my wedding I had to slave away… working long hours… not taking lunch… but now I have a family.
It is no longer Brady+Girlfriend+Cat = 0
It is now Brady+Wife+Cat = Family Man
While my home life didn’t change, I have now been inducted into an exclusive work club that entitles me to certain obligatory benefits:
- 8-5 work days
- Extra long lunches for “Family” matters
Now the #1 priority of my life is my Family and that is OK… expected even… which is great because I love my Family! Furthermore, my job now is just a means to an end – an obligation even, and I don’t have to pretend to care because everyone knows family comes first.
- So long late hours working past 5.
- So long spooky noises alone at my desk until midnight.
- So long calling the cops because the aforementioned spooky noises were disturbingly loud and I thought there might have been a vagrant stomping around up on the roof.
- So long making the Bozeman Daily Chronicle Police Reports because the incessantly loud vagrant turned out to be just hungry crows.
- So long non-Family Man Brady Ernst.
Now I don’t have to make up excuses to go home at 3:30 to feed my cat.
I am a Family Man now and if my cat wants an afternoon snack, I can leave anytime I damn well please!
The wife is out of town for the day. “See you guys! I have Dad-Duty this afternoon” – somebody needs to pet the cat and give her tasty crème crème by 3:00pm – I’m a Family Man now.
The only burden is that I now have to update my business card and all of my social media profiles. I can no longer refer to myself as a mere Baby Architect. I now have to refer to myself as Husband. Architect. Family Man.
Husband. Architect. Family Man.|1|
Click the purple numerals to transport between hyperlinks
1 Technically, I am now Husband. Baby Architect. Adopted Cat Step-Father.
- This post is part of the #ArchiTalks series in which the multi-faceted architect Bob Borson, of Life of an Architect, selects a theme and a group of us other (architectural) bloggers all post on the same day, on the same topic. It’s similar to those 3rd grade art projects – where every classmate gets the same piece of (photocopied) paper with identical squiggly marks as a starting point – and then all the students use their creativity to produce an original masterpiece. This month’s theme is Work/Life.
Bob Borson – Life of An Architect (@bobborson)
Work | Life – Different Letters, Same WordEnoch Sears – Business of Architecture (@businessofarch)
Work LifeMatthew Stanfield – FiELD9: architecture (@FiELD9arch)
Work / Life : Life / WorkMarica McKeel – Studio MM (@ArchitectMM)
Work/Life…What an Architect DoesJeff Echols – Architect Of The Internet (@Jeff_Echols)
The One Secret to Work – Life BalanceLee Calisti, AIA – Think Architect (@LeeCalisti)
work | life :: danceMark R. LePage – Entrepreneur Architect (@EntreArchitect)
Living an Integrated Life as a Small Firm ArchitectLora Teagarden – L² Design, LLC (@L2DesignLLC)
#ArchiTalks: Work/life…attemptsCollier Ward – Thousand Story Studio (@collier1960)
Work/LifeJeremiah Russell, AIA – ROGUE Architecture (@rogue_architect)
what makes you giggle? #architalksJes Stafford – Modus Operandi Design (@modarchitect)
Turning Work OffEric T. Faulkner – Rock Talk (@wishingrockhome)
Work/Life — A MergerRosa Sheng – Equity by Design / The Missing 32% Project (@miss32percent)
Work Life Fit: A New Focus for Blurred LinesMichele Grace Hottel – Michele Grace Hottel, Architect (@mghottel)
Work LifeDrew Paul Bell – Drew Paul Bell (@DrewPaulBell)
Work / Life
Michael Riscica – Young Architect (@YoungArchitxPDX)
I Just Can’t Do This AnymoreMeghana Joshi – IRA Consultants, LLC (@MeghanaIRA)
Architalks: Imbalanced and uninterruptedAmy Kalar – ArchiMom (@AmyKalar)
ArchiTalks #12: Balance is a Verb.Stephen Ramos – BUILDINGS ARE COOL (@sramos_BAC)
An Architect’s Housebrady ernst – Soapbox Architect (@bradyernstAIA)
Brady Ernst – Family Man Since 08/01/2015Brian Paletz – The Emerging Architect (@bpaletz)
Father, Husband, Architect – typically in that orderTara Imani – Tara Imani Designs, LLC (@Parthenon1)
On Work: Life Balance – Cattywampus is as Good as it GetsJonathan Brown – Proto-Architecture (@mondo_tiki_man)
Architecture: Work to LiveEric Wittman – intern[life] (@rico_w)
midnight in the garden of [life] and [work]Sharon George – Architecture By George (@sharonraigeorge)
Work = 1/3 LifeDaniel Beck – The Architect’s Checklist (@archchecklist)
Work Life Balance: Architecture and Babies – 5 Hints for Expecting ParentsJarod Hall – di’velept (@divelept)
Work is LifeAnthony Richardson – That Architecture Student (@thatarchstudent)
studio / lifeLindsey Rhoden – SPARC Design (@sparcdesignpc)
Work Life Balance: A Photo Essay
Brady, I think you have your priorities in the best order. :)
Thanks Enoch.
#1 Architecture#2 Architecture#3 Architecture#1 Cat!
#2 Wife
#3 Architecture?