Luis Barragán’s Jell-O® House

While in college, I had the pleasure to visit one of the most revered modern houses: Casa Luis Barragán. The house (and studio), located in the Tacubaya section of Mexico City, was designed by the Pritzker Winning architect Luis Barragán. Trained as an engineer, Luis Barragán became a revered landscape architect and architect – with … continue reading →

2001: A Space Architecture

Ever since the confirmed discovery of water on Mars, and the preceding hi-res images of Pluto, there has become a resurgence in space exploration not seen since my youth – when an astronaut still seemed like a career possibility.  There has even been talks of terraforming, and perhaps, colonizing our favorite red planet – Mars! … continue reading →

Senior Citizen, Architect

Facebook was bootstrapped as a technology startup that got its roots in a Harvard dorm room catering to millennials. Ever since, they have been trying to portray an image of “hip” by catering to a younger crowd; thus, that is why I think less of Facebook after following the status quo and choosing an octogenarian … continue reading →